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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 093: Love the Way you Parent with Rosemary Clark

Rosemary is an Authorized Language of Listening Parenting Coach that equips you with the tools to have kids who listen without yelling, threats or punishment. Rosemary teaches how to replace resentment and mom-guilt, with parenting that creates confidence, cooperation, and a relationship that LASTS!

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 092: Setting Aligned Goals with Tabitha Crocker

Setting goals can often feel overwhelming and pointless. Sometimes we set goals and don’t know exactly how to take action on them. Or sometimes we set goals that don’t actually matter and then feel guilty for not following through on our plans. Whichever scenario you may find yourself in, one things’s worth mentioning… maybe you’re not setting aligned goals.

When you set aligned goals based on what matters most to you, then take strategic action on those goals you can accomplish anything.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 035: 10 of My Worst Home Purchases

When it comes to knowing what to buy for your home, sometimes it helps when you start with "what not to buy." That's what today's episode is all about. I'm sharing 10 of my wort home purchases and why they didn't work.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 034: Finding Your Home Style

Turn your inspiration into reality by understanding what style you're drawn to. When you know your home style, shopping and finding items for your home becomes so much easier.

The 6 foundational decorating styles are discussed in this episode as well as how you can incorporate them in your home. Ashley will also be sharing several different resources (many of which are free) that'll help you transform your home from inspiration to reality.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 033: Elegant Living and Your Environment

Most personal growth books that are written about habits tend to have one common denominator. They typically state that in order to "succeed" you've got to have a supporting environment.

It doesn't matter if we're talking about getting the most out of your day at the office, loosing weight or recharging at home. Your environment matters.

That's why I always talk about designing and a decorating a home that's intentional, functional and serves your lifestyle with ease. The environment that you do life in matters so much.

This episode is all about how changing your home can directly affect your life. I also discuss the connection between elegant living and your environment. This episode is powerful and I can't wait for you to listen.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 032: 6 Easy Home Updates you Can Do Today

Creating a home that feels elegant, beautiful and has presence can be as simple as adding a few "essential" updates. These 6 updates can truly elevate the overall look and feel of your space. And my favorite part is that these updates are easy to tackle and can be done quickly.

There's no demo day involved. No home projects that'll consume your entire weekend and you don't even need to invest in new furniture.

These 6 easy home updates can be done today and make a big impact when it comes to creating a beautiful home you'll never want to leave.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 031: 4 Modern Day Home Myths Debunked

Typical mom culture has us all believing that we can't have a beautiful home because we have kids.

Today I'm putting a hard stop to that. I'm also identifying 3 other myths we often buy into when it comes to our homes.

This episode is full of truth bombs. These 4 myths are being debunked and I'm proving that it's possible to have a have a beautiful home you love.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 030: How To Actually Create an Elegant Home

You have a family to manage, kids to raise and a budget to keep in mind. You're busy living life and transforming your home from where it is now to where you'd love for it to be feels hard and impossible.

Designing, decorating and maintaining your home doesn't have to be so overwhelming.

This episode is the blueprint to everything you'll need to create a beautiful home you love.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 026: Stop Over Complicating Your Home

When you're looking for solutions to problem areas in your home and life there a million and one different ways to get the same result. That's because there's more than one way to solve your problem.

I've found that most people don't really have an issue finding a solution to the problem because usually the solution is simple. Instead, we actually have a hard time implementing the action needed to get to the solution. This is where over complication comes in and things start to snowball.

But there's an easier way. And that's what today's episode is all about.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 021: Getting Grateful and Savoring the Season

In this episode, Ashley discusses what it actually looks like to get grateful and savor the season. She also talk about easy ways we can express gratitude, slow down and savor the season we're in.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 020: Letting Go of Perfectionism

Letting go of perfectionism can open your life up to so many amazing opportunities. By letting go, you can gain clarity and focus on what actually matters, what has to be done by you and what you can delegate. Letting go of perfectionism allows you to live life with ease and elegance.

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Ashley Brown Ashley Brown

EP 019: Decorating for the Holidays with Ease

Decorating for the Holidays can often feel overwhelming and like the last thing you want to do. In this episode, Ashley shares her best tips when it comes to decorating your home for the Holidays. What to do, what not to do and how to decorate your home with ease and elegance during the Holiday season.

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Mindset Ashley Brown Mindset Ashley Brown

EP 018: Getting It Together Before the Holidays

You have a million other things to do and sometimes the Holidays just come on like a freight train at full speed. But it doesn't have to be that way this year. You can eliminate the overwhelm and chaos by creating a Holiday season full of ease and enjoyment.

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Mindset Ashley Brown Mindset Ashley Brown

EP 016: What to Focus on when Everything Feels Important

There's always so much happening in our lives. Most of us are living very busy, very full lifestyles and a lot of times it can feel like it's just too much. Knowing what to focus on, what has to get done and what you can let go is a skill that anyone can learn. In today's episode, I'm diving into how we can start focusing on what's actually important to you when everything feels equally important.

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Mindset Ashley Brown Mindset Ashley Brown

EP 015: Self Care Ideas that’ll Quickly Restore your Energy

Self care doesn't have to be expensive, lavish or even something you have to leave the house to experience. It's about intentionally carving our the time through out your day for YOURSELF. That's self care. It's using those pauses in your day for yourself so you can restore your energy and go out and live life well.

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Mindset Ashley Brown Mindset Ashley Brown

EP 014: Getting Your Home in Order = The Foundation for Success

Helping women create space, time and energy for what really matters is what Always Elegant Living is all about. That way we can follow our dreams, accomplish our goals and live life on purpose and with intention. But in order to go out in the world and achieve our ambitions we first need to start by building the foundation. And that starts at home. In this episode, Ashley discusses how an easily managed home ties in with living a life of ease and elegance.

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Mindset Ashley Brown Mindset Ashley Brown

EP 013: 6 Mindset Shifts That’ll Help You Manage Your Home

Life used to be crazy, busy, tiring, overwhelming and chaotic. Even though I was trying to implement new routines and systems so my home could be managed easier things just weren't working. Real change didn't happen until I started shifting my mindset. And after I started practicing these 6 mindset shifts things got easier. My home felt lighter and I felt more in control.

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Elegance Ashley Brown Elegance Ashley Brown

EP 012: Overwhelm and Your Home

Overwhelm is a choice. Chaos is a choice. But ease and peace are also a choice. You can choose to not be overwhelmed by your home. In this episode, Ashley talks about how to identify the overwhelm, create an action plan and get to work.

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Home Management Ashley Brown Home Management Ashley Brown

EP 011: 3 Systems Every Home Needs

Every home needs systems. Systems keep things running smoothly and ensure that important task get done. Discover the 3 essential home systems that all home needs to run efficiently. When these systems are functioning well, then you're freeing up your time and space and that is living a life of elegance.

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Meet your host, Ashley Brown.

Ashley’s a home design enthusiast, wife and mom to 3 little kids.

She helps women eliminate the excess and create a life they love with strategy and ease.

Ashley believes that designing, creating and managing your life doesn’t have to be so hard.

Her realistic approach will have you taking back control so you can finally live life well with ease and elegance.
